BOC Sheerness Air Filter Replacement

BOC approached iGAS recently to run a project to replace an existing inlet filter on the Main Air Compressor CP11, as it was identified that the existing unit was approaching the end of its life. In addition, the upgrade to a higher efficiency unit would result in a lower power usage, and allow the operating envelope to be further away from the compressor surge line. The choice in the new filter also allowed for an increase in the suction pipework to 24″ resulting in a lower inlet differential pressure which would help to de-bottleneck CP11 under performance and thus improve the Air Seperation Unit (ASU) plant output.

iGAS’s Brian Turner was the Project Director and went about completing the project. The new filter was supplied by SPX Dollinger to a BOC Specification.

After getting the new filter delivered, the process of removing the original filter, and the associated support structure, began and was quickly completed. With the space available for the new filter, it was moved into place, and the new pipework was installed to suit. The concrete plinth that the new filter now stood on was resurfaced to ensure that it continued to support the filter for many years to come and the electrical control panel and loops were installed. BOC’s SCADA system was updated to reflect the changes, as were the associated drawings.

The new filter was then commissioned and brought online.

iGAS work closely with BOC on many projects varying in scale and complexity. The replacement air filter is just one small example of these jobs, and iGAS are already working on a number of other projects with BOC such as the replacement of obsolete temperature equipment withe modern alternatives, improved water treatment visibility, H2 compression and automatic trailer filling and energy saving plant modifications on a BOC customer site.

For more information please contact Rob Lee on T: +44 (0) 1483 268269 / E: or Brian Turner on T: +44 (0) 1483 268269 / E: